Southampton Studio - Wig Alternatives

Hair replacement systems for women - an improvement on human hair wigs

tracey before

Tracey before Intralace

tracey after

Tracey after Intralace

If you've ever tried on a wig you'll know that it can be strange experience. But if you're losing your hair for any reason, and want to cover it up, then you may well think that a wig is the only choice you have. Here at our Southampton hair loss studio we offer women a much better alternative - a hair replacement system that integrates with your own hair and looks completely natural. We call it the Intralace System - we invented it and have developed it ever since for various types of partial hair loss. For women with total hair loss we also have the Intralace Freewear System.

Real hair, blended with your own

The Intralace System is based on an ultra-light mesh, through which your own hair is gently threaded until the mesh sits against your scalp. Additional human hair is then attached to the mesh rather than to your hair and built up until it can be cut and styled. The result is extremely natural-looking - making use of the kind of highlights and low-lights that appear in normal healthy hair. Because of the method of attachment it is fully secure and there is no danger of it coming off, as a wig might.

You wear it full-time

A common reason for dissatisfaction with wigs is having to remove them at night - our clients who have tried them often tell us that it feels as it they remove their femininity along with the wig, and doing so constantly reminds them of their hair loss.

The Intralace stays on all the time, so you feel normal again and soon forget that it's there or that you even have hair loss. You wash it as normal, you brush it as normal - with maybe just a little extra care. Unlike a wig it doesn't need special care and cleaning, or keeping a spare. Only the six-weekly visits to our studios for the system to be tightened up due to you own hair growing are a reminder that it's not totally natural - but many of our ladies enjoy these maintenance sessions which just feel like a trip to the hairdresser - with some extra pampering - something they may not have been able to enjoy for some time.

The Freewear System is also semi-permanent, but uses medical-grade tape to secure it in place in the absence of your own hair. We'll give you full training in replacing the tape when it's necessary.


An example of the type of transformation we can provide for our Southampton clients

Have a full active life and be as social as you want

If you enjoy sports or outdoor activities then wigs can be impossible, but an Intralace lets you lead a fully active lifestyle, whether you like running, cycling, riding, team sports, or even swimming. No having to remove a wig in order to play, or having to hide your hair loss in the changing room.

No need to get nervous attending social or work events - the Intralace will never slip or come off. It's much more likely that you'll be complimented or asked how you keep your hair looking so good. Even your best friend or closest colleagues need have no idea.

One is all you need

With many wigs and other detachable hair systems you often need to have two, in order to always have a fresh clean one available. This of course doubles the effective price. You may even have to send them away for maintenance at the manufacturer when they start showing signs of wear.

None of that applies to the Intralace - it stays on your head night and day and gets washed when you shower. On average an Intralace will last a similar length of time to a regularly-worn wig. Normally around two years before a replacement needs to be considered.

Matched to you own hair colour - or something entirely different

Wigs often look false because the colour is too even, while even the most expensive wigs with graded colour are unlikely to match your own natural shades. Unless you'd prefer to have a totally new colour scheme we match to your own hair - using varying shades and highlights for a totally natural look. It's 100% human hair, so it'll always look real.

Built for you alone

Each system at Southampton is specifically designed to suit the individual client and the amount and type of hair loss they have.

If there's a chance your own hair will return - for instance if you'd had chemotherapy or an accident or illness - then the Intralace won't hinder that. Your hair will continue to grow and recover normally until it can resume its place as your crowning glory or be assisted by some extensions or smaller Intralace panels.


The Next Step - Contacting Us

If you live in the south coast areas then you're in easy reach of our studio, which is just an hour's train journey from both Portsmouth and Bournmouth. Come and see us and we'll advise you on your hair loss problems with a sympathetic and constructive approach.

The first consultation is free and if you prefer you can have a video consultation instead.

To contact us about an appointment or get more information see the Southampton Contact page where you can send us an enquiry or give us a call.

For details of our location and directions for getting there see our Southampton Directions page.

You can see more on Wig Alternatives and the various Intralace Options and our various galleries including the Intralace Gallery.


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