Bristol Studio - Wig Alternatives

Female hair replacement systems offer many advantages over human hair wigs

Debbie before

Debbie before Intralace

debbie after

Debbie after Intralace

Many women who have had problems with hair loss or thinning will at one time have considered buying a wig. Some may have worn one for a while but found that it wasn't a suitable option for them, or maybe even tried a few different ones in the search for a solution to their problem. What they may not realise is that there is an alternative that has many advantages, and that we can provide it in our Bristol hair loss studio.

The problems with wigs

  • They're not secure - they can come off in high wind or if they get caught on something
  • You have to take them off at night - for many women that's just a daily reminder that they have hair loss, and they hate doing it
  • They can be too hot - due to the base on which they are formed they can get hot and uncomfortable
  • They need a lot of care and maintaining - you need to untangle them, keep them conditioned and clean them regularly
  • You can't wear them for sport - If you like outdoor activities, cycling, riding or swimming then wigs either have to go under a helmet or be taken off
  • You'll probably need more than one - in order to have a fresh clean one available at all times
  • You may have to send it away for maintenance - They wear out and have to go back to the manufacturer to be refurbished

An example of the type of transformation we can produce - even for total hair loss

The Intralace Hair System solves all those problems

As well as restoring your confidence and getting you back to looking your best.

It's fully secure, because it's attached to your own hair

Your own hair is gently teased through an ultra thin lightweight mesh, and then additional hair is added to the mesh - so there's no danger of it coming off accidentally.

For those women with total hair loss we have the Intralace Freewear System - based on the same mesh system but secured to your head with medical grade tape.

You wear it 24/7

It becomes part of your own hair. No more taking it off at night. Our clients tell us they forget they're wearing it.

The mesh is fully breathable so you won't be any hotter than when you had a full head of hair.

Brush and wash as normal

With just slightly more care than normal you brush your hair very much as you always have done. And you wash your hair in the shower just the same. Keep it well conditioned and that's all that needed.

Be as active as you want...

You can engage in any activities you like - running, cycling, riding, team sports, or even swimming. No need to remove a wig, no need to hide your hair loss from team mates.

...and as social

No-one will know it's not your own hair. In fact many of our clients are often asked how they keep their hair looking so good. You can socialise in confidence and get back to enjoying life and meeting friends.

You only need one, and the maintenance is done on your head

Because it's worn 24/7 there's no need to have two. The only regular maintenance is when you come in to have the system tightened up when your own hair has grown underneath it. This is normally every 6-8 weeks. Other than that it stays on your head for the life of the system, which is normally around two years with average wear.

Other benefits too

The Intralace doesn't inhibit hair growth, so if you're using one temporarily, such as in cases of Telogen Effluvium following illness, trauma, or following chemotherapy, then it will continue to grow normally underneath until it's back to normal.

Our systems are fully colour matched to you own hair. Even the best wigs with graded colour can't match the subtle shades present in your hair, but because we're attaching individual strands we can mix them with shading and highlights for the most natural effect. Of course if you want to be a little more adventurous then we can give you a whole new colour scheme! With each system being individually designed specifically for each client we can do pretty much whatever you desire.


The Next Step - Contacting Us

If you live in the Bristol, Gloucestershire, Avon, or Somerset areas then you're in easy reach of our studio, which is just 10 minutes walk from Clifton Down rail station. Come and see us and we'll advise you on your hair loss problems with a sympathetic and constructive approach.

The first consultation is free and if you prefer you can have a video consultation instead.

To contact us about an appointment or get more information see the Bristol Contact page where you can send us an enquiry or give us a call.

For details of our location and directions for getting there see our Bristol Directions page.

You can see more on Wig Alternatives and the various Intralace Options and our various galleries including the Intralace Gallery.


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