London Studio - Wig Alternatives

Female hair replacement systems - a better choice than human hair wigs

lauren before

Lauren before Intralace

lauren after

Lauren after Intralace

If you're a woman with serious hair loss then you may have tried or considered a wig. At our London hair loss studio we can offer something that we, and many of our clients, think is a far better option. The Intralace System for various levels of partial hair loss, and the Intralace Freewear System for those with total hair loss.

Fully secure, wear it 24/7, and wash your hair normally

The Intralace System integrates with your own remaining hair which makes it fully secure and a 24/7 solution - no more removing a wig at night and no danger of a wig coming off accidentally. The Freewear System is based on the same ultra-light mesh base but uses medical-grade tape to secure it in place, so again it is semi-permanent.

Unlike wigs which often need special care and cleaning, an Intralace wearer just washes their hair in the shower. A little extra care with plenty of suitable conditioner is all that's needed.

Be as active and as social as you want

You can forget you're wearing an Intralace - so much so that you can resume a fully active lifestyle, whether you like running, cycling, riding, team sports, or even swimming. No having to remove a wig in order to play, or having to hide your hair loss in the showers.

No more need to avoid social or work situations in case your wig slips or your hair loss is revealed. You can be confident that your new hair is undetectable, and looks the way you've always wanted it to.


An example of the type of transformation we can provide for our lovely London clients

You only need one

With many wigs and other hair systems you really need to have two, or you may even have to send them away for maintenance. With the Intralace it stays on your head and the only maintenance is when you come in to have the system tightened up when your own hair has grown underneath it. The Intralace doesn't inhibit hair growth, so if you're using one while your hair recovers from trauma such as illness or chemotherapy then it will continue to grow normally underneath.

Fully colour matched to you own hair

Even the very best wigs with graded colour are unlikely to match your own shades. We colour match to your own hair - unless you prefer a totally new colour scheme - using varying shades and highlights so that your new hair looks totally natural. It's 100% real human hair, so it'll never look like a wig - even having lunch with your best friends no-one will be able to tell.

None of our systems are off-the-peg - each system is specifically tailored to the individual client and the amount and type of hair loss they have. Ensuring that it's exactly what you need.


The Next Step - Contacting Us

If you live in or within reach of London, then our Hammersmith studio is easily accessible. Come and see us and we'll advise you on your hair loss problems with a sympathetic and constructive approach.

The first consultation is free and if you prefer you can have a video consultation instead.

To contact us about an appointment or get more information see the London Contact page where you can send us an enquiry or give us a call.

For details of our location and directions for getting there see our London Directions page.

You can see more on Wig Alternatives and the various Intralace Options and our various galleries including the Intralace Gallery.


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