Manchester Studio - Wig Alternatives

Hair replacement systems for women - a better choice than human hair wigs

Leah before

Leah before Intralace

Leah after

Leah after Intralace

If you're a woman with moderate to extensive hair loss then you may be thinking about buying a wig. At our Manchester hair loss studio we can offer something that we, and many of our clients, think is a far better option. The Intralace System™ for various levels of partial hair loss, and the Intralace Freewear System™ for those with total hair loss.

A comparison of the benefits of the Intralace System compared to wigs

It's fully secure
Unlike a wig, the Intralace is attached to your own hair and integrated with it, so it can't blow off in the wind or if it gets caught on something
You wear it 24/7
The Intralace doesn't require removal when you go to bed at night or when you bathe. Removing a wig just reminds you that you have a hair problem, whereas the Intralace makes you forget about it.
Easier care
With an Intralace you wash it in the shower as normal and brush it as normal. It's just the same as having a full head of hair. Wigs require removal and careful cleaning, conditioning, and untangling.
You can play sports
You can do anything in an Intralace that you could with your natural hair - running, cycling, riding, swimming, or team sports. Or just playing with your kids. No worries about a wig falling off or your team-mates seeing you removing it.
Less likely to be hot
Because of their construction wigs can get hot and uncomfortable. The breathable mesh used in the Intralace means you're no hotter than with your natural hair.
You only need one
Using a wig usually means having more than one - so you always have a clean one to swap over to or so you can have different styles. Because the Intralace is worn all the time you only have one.
The colour looks natural
Hair colour isn't uniform - it has highlights and low-lights. Many wigs are detectable because the colour is all the same, while even the very best wigs can't really match your own shades. But because we make each Intralace individually to match your requirements we can add in those shades and make it look as natural, and as you, as possible.
We take care of maintenance
With wigs you often need to return them to the manufacturer for maintenance - another reason you may need more than one. The Intralace is checked on your head when you come in to have it tightened every 6-8 weeks (because your own hair grows and the system becomes gradually looser as it does). If it needs any maintenance it's done then, so you are never without it.

An example of the type of transformation we can provide for our lovely Manchester clients

Additional Benefits

In some cases your hair loss may be temporary. For instance if you've had a serious illness or a traumatic incident then you may have Telogen Effluvium - where the hair stops growing while your body focuses on recovery. Or you may be having chemotherapy treatment and lose some or all of your hair while that is taking place. Your hair will continue to grow underneath an Intralace, so while you look normal wearing it, your hair is getting back to normal and in most cases you'll eventually be able to remove it or move on to simpler extensions.

So how is an Intralace made?

Every system is slightly different but the basic process is that an ultra-fine mesh is placed next to your scalp be teasing your own hair through the mesh. Additional hair is then attached to the mesh rather than to your hair, which spreads the load and ensures that no individual strands are placed under undue stress.

All of our systems are unique - each one is specifically tailored to the individual client and the amount, position, and type of hair loss they have. This also enables us to give you the style you want - often the hair you've always wanted rather than the hair you used to have!

Manchester has all these options and now has extra space

The Manchester studio offers all our techniques for disguising and managing female hair loss - indeed it's run by two of our most experienced managers who've learned their craft over many years. The studio is bigger now too, so the waiting lists we used to have due to high demand are now a thing of the past.


The Next Step - Contacting Us

If you live in the Greater Manchester and surrounding area areas then you're in easy reach of our studio in the city centre. Come and see us and we'll advise you on your hair loss problems with a sympathetic and constructive approach.

The first consultation is free and if you prefer you can have a video consultation instead.

To contact us about an appointment or get more information see the Manchester Contact page where you can send us an enquiry or give us a call.

For details of our location and directions for getting there see our Manchester Directions page.

You can see more on Wig Alternatives and the various Intralace Options and our various galleries including the Intralace Gallery.


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