Hair Newsletters
Newsletter Nov 2016 - Jan 2017
- Lucinda's Letter
- Star Letter - Jo
- Karen Hayns Column
- New York Studio News
- Edinburgh News
- New hair products
- Meet the Team - Kelsey
- Lucinda's Angels - photos
- Articles in the Press


I had hoped that my visit to Nepal would give me a clearer vision of what I wanted to do for the next 20 years. A monastery in Nepal was on my bucket list for 25 years and in all those years I’ve been interested in Buddhism and understanding it. While I feel that reincarnation is normal everyday stuff their belief that we come back in all kind of animals forms didn’t resonate with me at all. Priya and I had a fantastic opportunity to go to a monkey temple. There were hundreds of them freely skittering around amongst everybody...

Priya and I completed a day course on healing with singing bowls. I really enjoyed that and added to my collection of singing bowls. I also shipped a massive GONG back to London which I'm enthralled by. I've always been receptive to sound. Having done this trip, backpacking and 30 hours of journey time without sleep, almost polished me off, so I won't be doing that again in a hurry. It was lovely to have Priya there and if it hadn't been for her I wouldn't have done it in the first place.

New York
I'm happy to announce that our fantastic NY studio is open full time now, and run by our fabulous manager Kelsey. She brings with her such a lovely vibe and will build a great team there. Several of our LONDON clients have already been and enjoyed the experience.
I have some lovely pictures to show you of our new Edinburgh studio in South Charlotte Street. I'm constantly told how much everyone enjoys going to Edinburgh and the staff are all so wonderful. Thank you Robyn for all your help and endless commitment in organising this move
Chris has been in Birmingham doing the final checks on our new West Midlands studio in Solihull. It's an old bank and I can't wait to get there and style it
all up.... a challenge I’m looking forward to.
Love always and Blessings

Dear Lucinda
I've been meaning to write to you for a long time now but never seemed to get around to it. I’ve been coming to your salons for nearly 2 years and I want to tell you how much being part of the Lucinda Ellery family has changed my life.
My hair has been thinning, I think since my early 20s. I certainly remember feeling conscious of my fringe when I was about 25 and by 27, I was looking up trichologists to at least give me an answer to why my hair was getting worse. I wasn't impressed. Telling me I had genetic female pattern baldness was not what I wanted to hear. My iron and ferritin levels were checked; I was put on iron tablets and started applying lotions. None of it worked
I started wearing my hair up all the time and using hair bands and bandanas to cover up what was becoming a thinning patch in the centre parting of my head.
What was lacking on the outside was more than affecting what was happening in the inside. My self confidence was low and I dreaded the years ahead - knowing full well that it would just keep getting worse. I didn't talk about this much with anyone - the more I acknowledged there was a problem, the more real it would become.
I met my now husband when I was 34. He loved me then as he loves me now, just as I am. But even this didn't take away the anxiety and shame I was beginning to feel. On my wedding day, I wore my hair up because there was no other option. By 37, I no longer wore my hair in any other style and hadn't been to a hairdresser for over 10 years.
And so the years passed by and I tried to ignore my hair. By the time I got pregnant at 40; my hair looked amazing of course. But this was short lived and it went back to normal fairly quickly after my daughter was born. At 41, I could no longer avoid what stared back at me in the mirror every day.
I started googling hair loss remedies after watching America's Next Top Model! They were doing weaves and extensions so I figured somewhere in the UK must have something similar. Everywhere I looked online, the name Lucinda Ellery kept appearing. And when I landed on your website, there was a promotion of a free consultation that month! Serendipity!
The consultation I had with you opened up my world to new possibilities - I was emotional and totally overcome by the possibility that I might be 'normal' again.
Fast forward 2 years and honestly, I haven't looked back.
I no longer fear having my photo taken or going out and getting dressed up. I have a luscious head of hair which is my joy. But most of all, I have my confidence back, and I can't tell you how good it feels to love what's in the mirror.
I think the summer I got in touch with you, along with having my daughter, sparked a change in me. Before, it was a case of 'well if my hair is awful, what's the point in working on the rest'. I started getting fit and ran my first 10k ever last year and I'm now training for my first half marathon. I've lost my baby weight and though I have more weight to lose, I think my hair was the catalyst.
So thank you Lucinda. I am so very grateful to you for giving me back my confidence and igniting my desire to be the best me I can be.
With love,

Hello Ladies,
Careering towards a life you love - at any age
Last year I introduced you to three of my favourite words, patience, practice and passion and how they give my life meaning. As we head into 2017, I'd like to think about how the 3 Ps play out in our life roles too as parents, partners, friends colleagues and so on.
Up first is our work role (or roles) – so let me invite you to reflect on the following question:
'How can we find work we love and at the same time maintain our life balance?'
A big question certainly, so here's my take on it. Much has been written about work-life balance in recent times, and there's little wonder. We scratch our heads and ask ourselves how we got here. We're busy to the point that we don't know what we're doing from one day to the next and we feel more tired, anxious and stressed as a result. We keep going because we believe we have no time to do anything else, living in the vague hope that something will change and get us back on track.
It's weird because on one hand we have the world at our fingertips where we can connect and stay in touch with family and friends like never before and yet on the other, we fall prey to the dark side of this connectivity which somehow manages to turn some of us from being decent hard working people into workaholics addicted to spending unhealthy amounts of time plugged in with life passing us by.
We feel guilty and frustrated as we try to hold on to diminishing amounts of precious time with family and friends and see our most important relationships suffer, including the one with our hair.
This modern phenomenon affects men and women alike and it isn't going to go away. The discontent we feel is of course very human because it's our inner voice telling us something isn't right and deep down we know that life should be very different. We are also experiencing the law of diminishing returns which wisely suggests that the more we acquire (financially and materially) the less time we have to enjoy the fruits of our labour and so we lose that feeling of life is good.
If reading this strikes a chord but also leaves you wondering what you can do, then I would love to talk - no matter what stage of career you’re at. We all know there's never a right time or a best time, but work wise, today more than at any time before with that world at our fingertips there is more opportunity to do a number of things, rather than staying in one or two, or even a few jobs over a lifetime.
Anything and everything possible – so whether you're post grad, or post retirement – a slight tangent here I know but there are increasing numbers of people working well into their 60s and 70s where they've discovered work they love with no intention of retiring. But that's another story, although very heartening, and perhaps even more so if you’re mid or late career.
The important thing is that wherever you find yourself on this timeline of work, I truly believe that if something isn't working at work, then spending some time with a thinking partner who can help you devise a plan and then bring it to life will be a very liberating experience. You'll be able to step back, take stock, stem the stress tide and turn the corner filled with new hope and a sense of anticipation as you begin to build a new career – or careers. There's also the knock on affect with those closest to you feeling they're getting their mum, dad, friend or partner back as your plan unfolds.
Helping people achieve whole life balance is part of my purpose by understanding what you hold dear (your values).
Your plan may involve a period of re-training, returning to study, or working with the skills and knowledge you already have. A coach friend of mine said recently, 'what you have is all you need' – wise words indeed.
And so careering towards a life you love is not just about CV writing, applying for jobs, doing panel interviews and assessment centres only to then join the gravy train of being onboarded, inducted and put through the mill again, it is more to do with paying attention to something else; the force from within and thinking about what you really want and that takes patience, practice and passion. Deep down when we're thinking about a new career what we're actually yearning for is a way of finding meaningful work and life balance.
Until next time…
m: 07887 824209
From 1st November
Please be aware that our London and Manchester opening times will change to
9am – 6pm Tuesdays – Fridays
and 10am – 5pm on Saturdays.
Bristol's hours will change to
9am –5.30pm Tuesdays – Fridays
and 10am – 5pm on Saturdays.
We will be open on Monday 5th, 12th, and 19th December to compensate for
our Festive break. Please book your appointments in advance to avoid dissapointment

We are excited to share with you that we are now using L'Oreal 'Smartbond' in our salons. Smartbond is a treatment that protects and strengthens the hair during the colouring process. It is added to the colour thus protecting your hair and the Intralace System hair from the damaging properties the colouring process can cause. No additional time is added onto your colour appointment.
Should you choose to have the Smartbond treatment please make your colourist aware and feel free to ask for more information. The cost for the L'Oreal Smartbond treatment is £42.
We are looking forward to using this and trusting you can all benefit from colour protection for your hair!

Don't be dull this winter! We are pleased to introduce to our clients a new product which is designed to refresh your colour! This L'Oreal Professional product will give your coloured Intralace hair a boost in between appointments. We are all well aware that over the course of time colour processed hair will fade which means having to colour the hair more often; this in turn compromises the condition of the hair. Well we have now found a smart solution! This Colour Refresh Shampoo works wonders and is easy to use yourself at home or we would be more than happy to demonstrate its effects at your next wash with us. Coming in a variety of colours and serving only to refresh and deepen your colour makes this product a must for gorgeous coloured hair all the time! (Please note this is not a permanent colour solution) One bottle would last 3 – 4 washes. Feel free to ask a stylist for more information on this fantastic product next time you visit one of our studios
Cost of the shampoo is £12. Cost to book an Intralace wash with one of our stylists using this product is £81

Handy pocket size root sprays are now available from your local Lucinda Ellery studio! These sprays are temporary colour solutions applied to your roots to cover up any grey, scalp patches or can also be used to create darker roots on your parting to make it look more natural. Feel free to ask any of our stylists to demonstrate how this spray can work for you!
Cost of Touch up Spray £7.50

Our New York Studio opened full time in August. Kelsey, our NY manager has been an amazing asset in keeping the studio running smoothly and seeing that our clients are well looked after. Thank you Kelsey, your hard work does not go unnoticed! Here’s what Kelsey has to say:

My name is Kelsey and I am the Studio Manager running our beautiful Studio in the heart of Manhattan! I have been working for the Company for 5 years now. I first came across Lucinda Ellery when I accompanied my auntie in London to a consultation as she had a problem with her hair (she is now a client!) and when I saw the Studio I just knew I needed to work there! I stayed at the London Studio for 3 years and as I have a green card I was involved in the opening of the Studio in Los Angeles. Initially I traveled between London and LA and then decided to move to LA for a while which I loved. Now I live in New York with my family. I love the bustle of New York and I continue to enjoy meeting and interacting with lots of wonderful ladies and be a part of transforming their lives
If you would like to arrange an appointment in our New York Studio please get in touch!

Our Stylist manager, Candra, has been busy looking after some brides-to- be recently. If you are a Bride-to-be looking for some inspiration and would like to talk to Candra about Wedding hair she can be contacted on 07842 570626 or through us at Lucinda Ellery

Lucinda Ellery
We have had some fun times in 2016! Here’s a sneak peek into the world of our LE Angels...

National No Pulling Week 2016 came and went with a bang! It is always so important for us at Lucinda Ellery to partake in this week as it helps us shine a light on the otherwise relatively unknown disorder Trichotillomania. This year, the week ran between the 3rd and 9th October and it still amazes us as to how amazing our clients are who come forward in the press to offer support, guidance and inspiration to those who may be suffering in silence. If you missed any of the pieces here is a reminder below.
Lucinda Ellery

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