Hair Newsletters
Newsletter Nov 2014 - Jan 2015
- Styling Night
- Forthcoming Trichotillomania Evening
- Joan Rivers
- Star Letters
- Meet the Team - Priya

Message from
Lucinda Ellery
It feels like only yesterday that I was sitting writing 'Christmas is on the way' and here we are again. Christmas really is on the way and as we go into the last months of 2014 I realise that although it's been fast it has also been full and somewhat beautiful.
Talking of beautiful I want to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart for all your beautiful cards, comments, feedback and gifts. I know I say this every time but I am never quite sure if it comes across as to how grateful we all are to be in receipt of them. When I hear from you the stories of how your lives have changed, or when I hear how much you enjoy coming to see us I smile from my heart as all those years ago, when I was doing this from my front room in my farm house, that was my one true vision, to share happiness and joy through my work to ladies just like myself. You let me know, every day, that together we have achieved this. So thank you, thank you, thank you.
I have just arrived back from New York and I want to let you all in on a little secret... Lucinda Ellery NYC is on its way. We are so excited to add a new transatlantic location to our studios and New York has always been a personal dream of mine. Another example of what you put out in thought, you really bring into your life . We should have more details for you on opening times and our team there very soon so watch this space.
Another thing to watch out for is our brand spanking new hair extension website. We had such a blast shooting the pictures for the site, we want to create a modern, edgy, arty yet Lucinda Ellery site where you can browse the different types of extensions we are offering as well as to be able to get a good look at the studio and a feel for what we do and how we do it. The shoot took place in a beautiful location house in Kingston, 5 stunning models were involved in the shoot to show us how their hair was enhanced with Lucinda Ellery extensions and 5 Lucinda Ellery stylists were on hand to ensure that the models' hair was picture perfect throughout the day. I was also delighted to see the amazing Buster Knight with his incredible make up skills along with our beautiful Chloe Jasmine who gave tips and tricks to the models, experience which was invaluable on the day. All in all the pictures have turned out amazing and all the hard work and effort which was put in has definitely paid off. We can’t wait to show you and to hear what you think.
In order to get the hair just the way we wanted on the day, Priya (Ops Manager) and Candra (Styling Manager) organised a styling night for the team, so they could practice styles and techniques.
The whole styling team stayed to get involved in the fun and other team members from the studio stayed to be models. We always enjoy these nights immensely. Wine, pizza, music, laughs, hair and the most amazing team. What more do we need?
All in all we got to the end of the evening with a clear vision as to what our models hair will look like on the day of the shoot and what we would have to take with us in order to achieve it.

This year we saw amazing results with our campaigning to shine a light on TTM in conjunction with International No Pulling Week (1st – 7th October). It is a personal commitment of mine and will always be to ensure that this life debilitating condition is recognised and those who are suffering in silence know that they are not alone.
It always amazes me that our clients struggle to get NHS funding for an Intralace when someone can quite easily have a breast enlargement with NHS funding. It is so important for us here at Lucinda Ellery to get behind this campaign and get this compulsive pulling disorder to the level of recognition it deserves. I have worked daily, for over 30 years, with the most amazing women who sadly struggle with this hair pulling disorder called TTM (trichotillomania). I believe that not only can women live and survive with TTM, but they can also thrive. One of the joys of working with these women in witnessing them, with the right help, manage their TTM, styling and ultimately regain their hair. These women are then able to cope with their TTM with the love and support from their family and friends, not to mention me of course. International No Pulling Week is all about spreading the word, educating people, and sharing this week with somebody you care for and love. A problem shared is a problem halved.
If you read any of the coverage on International No Pulling Week you would have no doubt seen our beautiful client Phoebe Ottomar, a stunning, bright, amazing young woman who has come forward to help this cause. I am sure you will all agree she looks simply divine with her new locks
Whilst we are on the subject of TTM we are very excited to announce our 2015 TTM evening in London is set to be in May. Last year was such a success with so many clients turning up as well as guest speakers Katie Piper, Sarah Vine and Esther Mcvey showing their support. We are planning away at present and invites will go out in January to all TTM clients. If you would like to RSVP now and register your interest please email who will put you on the list and who will ensure you receive an invite. I am very much looking forward to seeing you all there again.
On a deeper note, I can't recommend this enough. If you are in anyway wanting to make a better experience of your life or work on any issue no matter what, whether it's work, loved ones, health, money etc. Any hopes and dreams you would like to fulfil, no matter how small or big; on a device, buy through iTunes, an Audio by Rhonda Byrne 'THE POWER' it is one of the best ten pounds I have ever spent. It is wonderful to listen to while travelling, pottering in the kitchen lying in the bath. A little every day here and there will empower and strengthen you in any area of your life at any age. I have found it to be brilliant and really truly helpful and inspiring. So if you are a seeker of knowledge wanting to change or bring something to you in any area of your life it is outstanding, and I would love your feedback. Six months ago I lost the use of my leg long enough for it to be very scary given the amount of travel in my schedule, I started listening to ‘The Power’ every day and I know because of this I went on the right path to heal from within and today less than a few weeks later I am back in heels, have not missed a single obligation, still completing my tasks and my medics are astounded at my recovery rate but because of THE POWER... I am not.
Joan Rivers

In between flying to the LA studio, finding our New York location and press commitments I read the news somewhere along the way that the incredible Joan Rivers has passed away. When I read his royal highness himself (Charles) commenting on her death it really struck a chord, 'Joan Rivers was an extraordinary woman with an original and indefatigable spirit, an unstoppable sense of humor and an enormous zest for life. She will be hugely missed and utterly irreplaceable.' I laughed to myself when I heard of her request for her own funeral and how she ended it with a comment about how her hair will look... she is my kind of girl. RIP Joan, thank you for the laughs and inspiration, another great taken from us.
When I die (and yes, Melissa, that day will come; and yes, Melissa, everything's in your name). I want my funeral to be a huge showbiz affair with lights, cameras, action.... I want Craft services, I want paparazzi and I want publicists making a scene. I want it to be Hollywood all the way. I don't want some rabbi rambling on; I want Meryl Streep crying, in five different accents. I don't want a eulogy; I want Bobby Vinton to pick up my head and sing: "Mr. Lonely" I want to look gorgeous, better dead than I do alive. I want to be buddied in a Valentino gown and I want Harry Winston to make me a toe tag. And I want a wind machine so even in the casket my hair is blowing in the wind just like Beyoncé's
So all that is left for me to say is have the most amazing Christmas and New Year. I am so privileged that we will go into it together and those of you who I have known for many happy new years and those of you who I will know in 2015, I am looking forward to working with you all and I thank you for being part of my world. Merry Christmas.
Love and Hugs Lucinda xxx

Hi, I visit the Edinburgh studio for my 6 weekly adjustments. I used to hate going to hairdressers, however, visiting the Edinburgh studio is like a break from it all, a bit of a pamper, me time. The setting is so plush and luxurious, even down to the Molton Brown hand wash. As soon as I walk through the door I am greeted by a happy, smiling member of staff and I'm enveloped in the calm serenity of the surroundings. As I take my seat I am always asked if I would like a drink and am always asked how my son is and how I have been, not just by one girl, but by them all. I feel as though the staff care and are interested. The next couple of hours go by in a flash of laughter and chat, however, the staff remain professional in getting to work on the job in hand, doing a swift and marvelous job.
When it is time to leave I feel energised, rejuvenated and ready to face the next 6 weeks ahead.
From, EB
Hi Lucinda,
This is T (one of the twins from Australia),
It has been such a long time since we have kept in touch and thought I would share with you what has been going on within the last year with K and I. It has been a really unfortunate year, in the last few months we lost our Dad which was a really traumatic time. We have managed to continue on with our nursing degrees - and graduate at the end of the year. Not a day goes by where we don't think of everything you have done for us. I really don't think we can thank you enough for everything you do at the Lucinda Ellery Salon. The last few years we were so fortunate to be able to come to London and get our hair done, It gave us back our lives and really made it so much easier dealing with TTM - getting to meet people with the same condition and understanding. Me and K, at the moment, no longer have any type of system on our heads, just hair extensions. Which is all thanks to the amazing work and difference you were able to make to our lives. We still struggle with the condition and have our good and bad days, but are coping as best as we can. I really hope someday in the near future we will be able to come to London and visit you all at the salon again. Words can't explain what a difference you have made to our lives. Thank you for everything you've done for us and everything you continue to do for sufferers of TTM. Please say Hi and send our love to all the girls at the salon.
To all the amazing staff,
I had a new minima fitted yesterday and I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU. It looks amazing and I feel fab. My hairdresser Charne (I don't think that's how you spell it - sorry) was AMAZING. She cut a fab style and looked after me with drinks, smoothie and laughs - THANK YOU. My technicians were also all amazing, doing a great job as always. I am so happy that you guys run the salon. Not only are the transformations amazing, the environment, service and special attention that goes in to everything isimpeccable. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
From, A
Hi Lucinda,
This is LH from yesterday; it was a pleasure meeting you. I apologize for not emailing you last night. When I came to my appointment I thought I would be having someone check out my hair and tell me what I needed to get for it. I didn't realize I would be getting that plus so much knowledge and it was comforting to know that you care so much more than just about hair itself. I looked up The Secret and the book and am very excited to get into both of them. One of the quotes that you said yesterday, "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change", really stuck with me. I've been applying that to everything and I've noticed a difference (even if it was only since yesterday). Thank you so much Lucinda and I will let you know as soon as I am going to make an appointment. Thank you, LH
P.S. I've been brushing my hair constantly and it feels amazing.

Well my weeks of late, due to the glorious weather, have begun with the most stunning walk to work. I always take note of these moments, walking past the park, hearing the birds sing and seeing the children fill into the local schools. It doesn't take long before I am at the door of 312 and the mayhem begins. My account of my week will discuss and highlight specific events or projects this week; I won't list my lunch every day or what snacks I have had (this could take forever as I like my food), nor will I tell you how many times I hear my own name in a day as the truth is I don’t know (I stopped counting at 56 one day), but if you ever want to know more I am always around and happy to tell you more.
This particular week has been extremely busy. Tuesday started with our booking software taking on a new look and new features after a weekend upgrade. As many reading this will know, IT upgrades always promise seamless transitions however this rarely is the case. This meant that my morning was spent predominantly on the phone to our software provider asking questions such as 'why does this not do the same things as before?', 'where have our employee names disappeared to?' and 'what is with the glow stick esq colour scheme?' Thankfully after a few hours, (that I will never get back), all was resolved, fully functioning and we had a happy team. On this same Tuesday we had a new starter in the admin team, this is always an exciting time and I always look forward to the extra buzz this creates. My afternoon was filled with training our new starter, setting tasks and exercises and generally ensuring that the new addition to our team felt welcome into the Lucinda Ellery family. In between training I would duck out to see clients, staff members and to conduct interviews.
Hump day came about with the same meander to work. Today has been all go. I have been putting together the final pieces for our photo shoot we are having on Monday for our new website. We are creating a ne w site for our extensions and we are keen to make this arty, informative and attractive, to achieve these objectives it was decided we would have a new shoot to get the images we want and the look and feel we want. I have been project managing this and throughout this process I have realised why people hire companies to do this for you. Today was talking to models, designers, photographers, makeup artists and stylists, just to ensure we are all on the same page and have everything we need. Tonight after work there will be a styling night which I will also attend. We get the styling team together, we practice new styles, have some fun and get to learn some new skills.
Wow, is it already Thursday?. Time flies when you’re having fun. Today I am in our Bristol studio conducting interviews for our newest LE team. We are super excited to find an amazing stylist to join the team. Let's hope today is the day. In amongst these interviews I will also be conducting 6 and 12 week job chats for our Bristol team. I love our new location and I always love coming here.

I certainly have that Friday feeling today. It always amazes me how quickly it comes around. Well, today is our payroll cut off date... best get those facts and figures ready from all locations regarding all of our wonderful staff in order to ensure everyone is paid. Now this one I will keep short as if the figures aren’t right or if even worse still they don’t get submitted then... well it’s not really worth thinking about.
Now Saturday... I always LOVE Saturday's as it means tomorrow I can stay in bed. Today I have 4 interviews throughout the morning, 2 extension consultations and 3 6-week job chats with new starters. The morning, although busy, was calm and fluid - in contrast to the afternoon that is. The afternoon is being spent predominantly panicking... the dresses for the shoot on Monday didn't arrive... we have no clothes for the models. After trying every way to get in touch with the failed courier I realise it is time to think outside of the box to resolve this one... Ok now I will leave you and wish you a fantastic weekend as I think I need to go shopping...

We are very excited to offer the opportunity to all our clients to have an Aura reading and a personal Aura consultation with the acclaimed Dominic Zenden. Dominic Zenden is an author and aura reader, his unique ability to interpret 'Auras' from photographs sets him apart as the only Aura Photographic Profiler in England. He currently writes for Spirit and Destiny as an expert on auras. His book 'Aura Life in 4 D' has become a best seller on Amazon since its release in August 2014.
Dominic also teaches in conjunction with his book. The Master Class sets out to outline 'The Aura' 'How to read your own aura' 'How to read the aura of those around you.' 'Photographic Aura Profiling' With lots more information about how your aura gives away everything about you.
Dominic will be holding a master class in the very near future at Lucinda Ellery London. The master class costs £120 to join, please register your interest for this by emailing us at
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