Hair Newsletters
Newsletter May - July 2018
- Lucinda's Letter
- Star Letter from B
- Karen Hayns Column
- TTM evening in New York
- Southampton photos

Ladies, greetings for what is hoped to be a bright summer!
As we are in May, not quite half way through the year, someone asked where I will be for Christmas, plans were being made to go away and there were only a few weeks till options diminished! Oh my goodness, the passage of time - I can barely keep up with the speed of life all around me, grandchildren growing…. new ones arriving really is going on. The cycles of life are intriguing to observe and learn and grow from.
We are getting great feedback from our new Studio in Southampton under the very good eye and stewardship of Ivana and our amazing Stylist Marcia has now relocated full time to Southampton. Some of our top managers and stylists have been visiting there to ensure a smooth transition and they are telling me it’s fabulous. The clients are slotting in comfortably and are enjoying their visits. The girls will be sorely missed in London.
Micky and I did a whirl wind trip for a fantastic TTM event Priya and the NY team put together on 12th April. We had a full house with delicious nibbles, refreshments and great speakers. It was incredible to mix and mingle and great to share and learn what is available on many levels to help with the emotional and physical effects of managing alopecia and ttm. It was a very healing and uplifting experience to be part of. Serving, giving and love are extremely high frequency’s to resonate from, all three are really joyful and as individuals we feel better and things are better when we serve and give.
I have a treasured cushion that was a gift to me 20 years ago it says 'HOW CAN I CONTROL MY LIFE ...WHEN I CAN'T CONTROL MY HAIR' it always makes me smile and reminds me my life is limitless because there was a time when I felt just like that! I have been heard to say on many occasions how I love the idea that if we want more hair we have the opportunity to buy some more! It has the amazing feeling of taking back a measure of control with our grooming - what a result. Yea whoopy do dah day! It's nice that life has different options now-a-days and helps us to heal and feel more empowered.
I am incredibly lucky with my life's work, it has so much value in making us FEEL better and whatever we FEEL we attract to ourselves, good or bad.
I am so grateful to be blessed with a wonderful team. We all love working together, it's hard to explain how much joy the whole team bring to the spirit of our studio. Their care, attention, advice, patience, good humour and laughter, their kindness, and their willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty at all times, if I had to find a word it would be they are awesome.
And these are just some of the accolades I hear about the team every day from our lovely clients. I feel very blessed to be able to share this fabulous environment with all my team of associates and our fabulous clients. We love pampering you and giving you all we can to make things better in your wider world. We love to see your happiness, it's the frequency of joy and that's what we are here to experience!
We hope we make it all a wee bit better for you and you enjoy having a space to come to where you are a part of something special too. Nothing would be the same without all of us together.
With Love
Lucinda xxxx

Dear Lucinda,
This letter of appreciation is well overdue, so apologies.
I have been attending the Bristol salon for about 3 years. I had heard about you via the Internet and had made an appointment... in trepidation!
At my first appointment I was very low about my appearance but also quite anxious about what to expect. However, the Bristol staff could not have been more supportive. They were incredibly patient, kind, especially when I had to go into the reception area and have a little cry! Not only that, I have always been impressed with their knowledge, expertise and professionalism. Over the years they have always tried to accommodate my requests and decisions made have always felt a collaboration. Nothing is ever done that you are not happy with which creates a real trust, and nothing feels like too much trouble.
I used to hate attending the hairdressers, but not anymore, I actually look forward to it! The friendly, warm atmosphere and the fact that I always come out looking better helps! It is a very special place and I am truly grateful.
I would like to particularly thank Marika, Lucy, Emily, Dom, Danni and Laura, they are all just brilliant and I appreciate them so much.
Thank you too, for your vision and dedication which has made this all possible.
I am sixty next year and having hair, that looks amazing, has made the ageing process etc much easier to deal with. It’s actually been life changing.
Heartfelt thanks,

Hello my lovelies,
Well something quite remarkable happened recently, so I thought I’d share it with you because life is always ready to teach us something if we pause occasionally and allow those new thoughts to flutter in and settle.
Cue this year's home update. Nothing grand, just a splash of paint and paper here and there to brighten things up. So, with the help of Pinterest and Wallpapers Direct, I get busy creating a little gallery of colour schemes, order some swatches and head off to get some paint samples mixed.
Oh dear, the stress of it! You know, it's that powerful combo of play-it-safe versus free spirit thinking. What I'd really love is wild splashes of colour to create a real wow-factor, but no!!!! my Captain Sensible isn't having any of it.
Anyway, back at base camp, I'm blobbing squares of colour on the wall thinking 'hmmm I suppose it's okay… and it will brighten things up', desperately trying to convince myself I like it, knowing the pressure is on and my decorator is going to get the hump if I don't make up my mind soon. All I know is that I want to have that 'OMG yes-I-love-it-without-thinking' kind of feeling when I look around.
A day later I decide the colours really aren't doing it, so with no plan B, I head back to the paint shop and bump into Mr Dulux - yes! a visiting rep - how very timely! Things are looking up! I tap him on the shoulder, share my dilemma and he suggests a feature wall using those paint cards with 6 colours on it. Armed with new knowledge, I learn that you need to have two clear shades of colour for impact. This is code for going for it basically. So, a fretful hour later, I return home with more testers and on the wall, they go.
My first thought is blimey! The feature colour is bold, brazen and strong - a kind of cobalt blue and I really like it, but will I love it from floor to ceiling? It's the million-dollar question isn't it?! Faced with a decision I go for it.
This of course is followed by more head chat what if it's a disaster? Oh well, I'll just have to pretend it looks okay or get upset, confess all and say it looks dreadful. The poor decorator is going to think I've lost the plot!
Well here's the funny thing, we are now post painting and I cannot quite believe it. I have literally fallen in love with my feature wall and new look kitchen.
I cannot believe what an injection of colour has done! It has changed the feel of the entire room and it looks truly amazing – way beyond anything I could have imagined. I love the wall so much I have christened it the Wonder Wall!!! And, here’s the weird thing, it makes me feel different when I look at it. I feel drawn in, and a bit more daring. Yes, I've suddenly moved up a gear. Got more energy, made a big phone call I'd been putting off, cleared the home admin and knuckled down with some work projects and all because of the Wonder Wall!
My theory is that taking a risk and trusting yourself although very tempting to play safe, so often has a much bigger pay off. Even when choosing paint! The fascinating thing is that going with your gut after testing the water gives your confidence a boost and to my amazement I've discovered it's just a teeny bit infectious.
And the connection with colour? Well, I'm realising more and more that the more we add colour to our lives, the better we feel. Colour is good! It's everywhere – in nature, in animals, in the clothes we wear, in our homes, in magazines, TV and films, in the work we do, and perhaps in our most private of environments – our heads.
I wonder, how could you inject some colour into your life? Which colours catch your eye? What draws you in? What calms? What excites? What needs a new filter? By the way, a few weeks ago, I was drawn to a vivid blue parrot on a gold perch, I bought him on the spot. How random I thought to myself at the time. Now, I know why.
Go on, colour up your summer, it'll do more than brighten your day.
Until next time,
MOBILE: 07887 824209
April 12th marked a very special night for our New York studio. Lucinda arrived from London, along with Awareness Director of Keen Ellen Crupi and Sarah Parker, Manhattan psychotherapist at the Reed Center, to host the first Lucinda Ellery Trichotillomania awareness event 2018. With a house full of ladies, we can say it was the most amazing night all dedicated to shining a light on TTM; finding support, laughs, love and encouragement together on a journey of learning and management of this body repetitive behavioural disorder. You can see below some of the feedback and fun we had on the night.

"I was truly excited to meet others like me. As you know, I’ve had trich for 40+ years and it wasn't until I was in my 40's that I met a fellow trichster. It's kind of like being in another part of the world and you meet someone from your hometown. It's comforting, like coming home to family. As I entered the modern, hip salon, Lucinda greeted me with warmth and strength in her eyes, smiling right back at me. She was vibrant with empathy. I felt so welcomed."
Ellen Crupi, Director of Business Development & Awareness, HabitAware
The wait is over! Here are some pictures of our pretty Southampton studio.

Lucinda Ellery
in the Press

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