Hair Newsletters
Newsletter May - July 2017
- Lucinda's Letter
- Star Letter from Denise
- Karen Hayns Column
- Staff News
- Red Nose Day

My newsletters come around so quickly that it hits home how fast life speeds by.
More and more, I have come to appreciate the wonderful energy our team and clients alike bring to the studio: you can feel the compassion and positivity. Sadly our Manchester studio was near the centre of the terrible terrorist attack on 22nd of May. So many of you kindly called to check on our staff - such a loving thing to do - thank you so much for your kind thoughts.
I am constantly smiling when I see how our teams work so beautifully, creating amazing transformations for our beautiful ladies who get so much pleasure from having extra hair, helping heal a hole in the heart that we experience when we have hair thinning or hair loss. One of our clients told me that she never expected to feel so pampered when visiting us and that coming to the studio was "just for her" and a "special experience". Such lovely sentiments that fill me with pride.
We have some wonderful new additions in the team including our delightful HR Manager, Jamie. We are delighted to have his wonderful spirit with us and are excited that his interest in the team will bring about even greater levels of customer service. On my recent visit to LA, Jamie assembled the entire London team to record a birthday message for me – something so thoughtful which filled me with love and appreciation of the people I share my life with.
As I reach my vintage, where my life is changing and I am no longer in the workaholic phase, I am taking things more easily and reducing my workload. I'm able to use my thought space rather than thrashing my body! I entered this phase reluctantly, but interestingly. As my body started to change with age, so did my world view. For me, this was the beginning of a true understanding of energy and how important it is to truly appreciate and conserve it! It made me realise the importance of the physical body: without it we literally have nothing to live in. I have learned never to criticise it nor moan about the aches and pains. Instead I send only positive frequencies towards it in my thinking, now loving every wrinkle and crinkle with gladness and gratitude.
Having just returned from our Los Angeles and New York studios, it is wonderful to witness the teams chatting amongst themselves, enjoying their time with clients and reflecting on the results of their efforts. Vince Lombardi once said that 'perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence', certainly our mantra here at Lucinda Ellery which is reinforced by our continued success and growth.
I have been blessed with Micky, Chris, and Dax who have helped grow the company beyond what I ever thought possible and their vision, along with a combined 70 years' experience will cement the future of Lucinda Ellery.

I am so grateful for all your love, smiles and appreciation over the decades.
Until next time,
Lucinda x

It was on the 8th March 2017 that I had an appointment at your clinic in Bristol.
I arrived with my sister-in- law at the appointed time for a consultation with Chris. I didn't know what I was going to hear, all I had to go on was what I had read on the internet. I needn't have worried as Chris explained everything clearly.
I had been diagnosed with FFA about six years ago. Then being told there was no cure and it would never grow back and that I must learn to live with it! As you can imagine I was devastated. Life went on and I bought more and more hats, knitted lots of headbands, summer was the worst. I hated windy days and was very self-conscious when it blew my hair back. I always told myself that there were a lot of people worse than me and to be thankful it was nothing worse.
A friend of my sister inlaw explained the Intralace process to me. I investigated via the internet and one email later I was offered an appointment. Wow!
I arrived for my day at the clinic to be met by lovely friendly staff that soon put me at my ease. It was a long day. I had photos taken before they began which I declined to look at! I was shown the new hair they were going to use and the colour was just what I wanted!
After my Intralace I couldn't believe what I was seeing! It was amazing to see how they worked together! The stylist was amazing and then... I had my new hair!
It has now been a month and I now have my self-confidence back. I now go out with head held high and let the wind do its worse...Lol...
So once again thank you all at the clinic you are all so caring.
Love from, Denise

Hello Girls, I'll keep it short, I'll keep it sweet, some books for your summer, so let's take a peek:
1 A Walk on the Beach
Joan Anderson
How to approach mid-life with wonder, curiosity a journey back to you. It will leave you feeling that the best is yet to come
2 Wait, What?
James Ryan
Moving, surprising and funny. An easy and joyful read about learning to ask five simple questions. Lifelong benefits.
3 Embracing Uncertainty
Susan Jeffers
Learn to let go of that which we cannot control. There is great freedom if we can learn to do this.

4 Better Than Before
Gretchen Rubin
Everything you need to know about habits and happiness.
5 The 5 Love Languages
Gary Chapman
Give and get more from your romantic relationships.
6 Time to Think
Nancy Kline
Beautiful, peaceful, thoughtful - a truly wonderful philosophy for life
MOBILE: 07887 824209

Senior Stylist

Stylist & Hair Assistant

Admin Supervisor

Senior Stylist


HR Manager
Those of you that visit the London studio will see a familiar face on Reception. Shafayet has made the move from the Studio Team and is now part of reception. Shafayet's calm and helpful manner combined with his excellent technical knowledge from the studio makes him a real gem.
Erin has been with Lucinda Ellery for almost five years and this month was promoted to Administration Supervisor. Erin is a familiar face (and voice!) to many of you and we are delighted she continues to develop her career with us.
We also have some new faces in the Studios: Clive and Emelia join the styling team in London and Katherine joins the Solihull team – all are available with their skill and expertise to help ensure your colour and styling needs are met.

at Lucinda Ellery
Friday 24th March brought great fun and games to Lucinda Ellery. 5 prizes were up for grabs for our clients including free hair washes, styling and hair products! Our lucky staff prize winners in London were:
Lorraine, Patrice, Chloe, Candra and Cindy. We look forward to raising more money next year!

Thank you to all our wonderful clients and staff members for donating and helping us raise a whopping £1220.40 for Comic Relief

Lucinda Ellery
in the Press

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