Hair Newsletters
Newsletter May - July 2014
- International Women's Day
- Star Letter from a woman who lost a third of her hair due to childhood burns and now has an Intralace
- Meet the Team - Anna

Message from
Lucinda Ellery
Spring is here. At Last. Christmas is long gone and it won't be back again for 36 weeks. As always your letters and comments flood in and we so appreciate your feedback which is wonderful and inspiring for us. Again the letters refer very much to our clients' joy at their hair and focus on compliments on how brilliant the studio teams are. Everyone knows they can reach me at any time on my email or mobile phone, we welcome feedback and it is a very important component in keeping us focused and strong. As always I travel from one place to the next and the great feedback about what we do and the way we do it warms my heart every time, so thank you.
This month we picked up the keys to our new location in Bristol. I will endeavour to make it a relaxing and glamorous space so that the girls can enjoy having their hair done in lovely surroundings. I am really looking forward to styling up the new branch in Clifton and I will wait to hear from everybody on how they think I have done.
By the time this letter goes out we should have an opening date; I think it will prove to be a popular location as our west country clients are already excited at the prospect of having us nearer. It only now remains for us to build up a great team there and undoubtedly our clients will keep me informed of how things are going.
Joy of Joys, Priya and I have gone this week to Edinburgh, Edinburgh is a favourite spot for us, our Scottish clients are completely divine. We have come to the conclusion that our northern clients are extraordinary people to work with, they are completely positive and bright.

We had the pleasure of hosting our first Scottish TTM Cupcake and Wine evening and as you can see from the picture we all had a great time. Edinburgh's studio manager Robyn was so impressed with how well things went; every single one of the girls exchanged numbers and contact details, so off we go. I still remember when I hosted my very first TTM event in London 15 years ago and how 6-7 girls came then when I compare that to the last London TTM event where we had over 100 girls including inspiring wonderful guest speakers it makes me smile. So I was thrilled that so many of the Scottish based clients came and enjoyed the evening, so much so that we are now planning our first Manchester event. Anyone who is interested in coming to the next Manchester TTM evening please do register your interest with Erin details of dates and times to follow soon.
On the 5th March I rushed back from LA to attend an event at the Institute of Directors in London hosted by the Right Honourable Esther McVey. This was to celebrate International Women's Day. The lovely Barbara Windsor arrived to support the event, Esther surprised her by dragging her up on stage and as always Barbara was a trooper and an inspiration to listen to; from her earlier days in the east end she has risen to a national iconic treasure. Barbara doesn't look any different now to when I first met her nearly 20 years ago, this is not to do with her beautiful looks but her amazing energy which is full of vibrancy and youth. We were so grateful that she took the time and effort to support International Women's day. Also in attendance was the amazing Arlene Phillips; at 66 years old she still looks 46 again all down to the amazing positive energy she gives to the world. The glorious Gloria Hunniford spoke as did the fantastic Debbie Moore from Pineapple Dance Studios and the awe inspiring Katie Piper who, as always, is outstanding. Plus many of my friends, all of them hard working women, who have achieved great things from lowly beginnings. They have tried a different path and come out as shining stars, inspiring women to move onwards and upwards. The more I study about collective conscious the more I believe that if women step up and be counted there are 3.5 billion of us on the planet and if we unite in thought alone we could create miracles towards peace and prosperity. As time goes by, as hard as it is to swallow on occasions, I am aware we create our own life experiences through our thoughts and actions. Anybody wanting to improve their life outwardly will definitely achieve this if we improve it inwardly. So girls start researching online, with books, dvd's, lectures, conferences or with anything at all that will improve our own inward lives, so that we can improve our outward life and maybe start helping others to do the same.
Well its onwards and upwards with our wonderful branch in LA. The team is building beautifully under the care of Micky. The US girls really embraced the culture and vision of Lucinda Ellery in terms of managing hair loss issues and those with TTM are fast regaining their hair and are open to life coaching, meditation and changing the way they think so that they change the way they are responding to their outer world, this makes us begin to think, feel and look better. We are hosting our first TTM cupcake and cocktail night in LA at the end of May, fingers crossed it is well attended and adds to the healing work that we are so keen to promote.
It only remains for me to say I am delighted to be of service and I believe it gives my life great meaning, purpose and joy. I thank you all again and again for the privilege of being in your life.
Love and Hugs.
Lucinda Ellery and Friends
Some of the amazing people who came to support International Women's Day

Column 1 - Top: Babs and Denise Lewis - Olympic Athlete & Trainer
Column 1 - Middle: Helen Sherborne – Laywer ; Ruth Kelly – Documentary Film
Maker ‘Girls on the Pull’ ; Annie Bruning – Sunday Times
Column 1 - Bottom: Katie Piper – The Katie Piper Foundation
Column 2 - Debbie Moore – Chairman & Founder Pineapple Dance Studio’s
Column 2 - Middle: Emma Sinclair – Youngest women to float her company on the
stock exchange ; The wonderful Ian Duncan Smith
Column 2 - Bottom: The Right Honourable Esther Mcvey MP

I am writing to thank you for the help the Lucinda Ellery Team has given me this year.
As a small child I suffered 3rd degree burns over a third of my body and spent a huge part of my youth in and out of hospital undergoing various surgeries to replace skin, improve mobility and to reconstruct my hair line. It was very traumatic. The thing, however, I struggled with most as a child was the hair loss.
I was permanently bald on over a third of my scalp. As you can imagine for a girl, and eventually a woman, it was very difficult to maintain any sense of self confidence in my femininity. There weren't any solutions to be found, unless you count the NHS wigs on offer.
I became very good at backcombing and styling but it never helped to completely hide my head so I wore hats. I wore flat hats, baseball caps and scarves. I used to dread the inevitable statement, you always wear a hat.. Or I've never seen you without a hat. I hated it if people were standing behind me in case they were looking at my head.
I would gaze longingly at people with nice hair. I dreamed of being that girl that wondered around with her shower wet hair or to style it anyway I wanted to. These small things that I could never have and others took for granted.
I do not consider myself a victim. I have despite my experiences, or maybe because of them, been a strong, confident and independent woman. I worked hard; married became a mother but have always had to hide my head under hats and hairpieces.
Confident in every area of my life until it came to my hair, where I would become as vulnerable as the 3 year old again. That is until the Lucinda Ellery Salon in London helped me. They have worked miracles.
When I had my appointment to have the system fitted I was excited, nervous and maybe a little sceptical, I couldn't believe that at the age of 40 I would finally really have hair.
It was a long day but it was incredible to watch the process. I hadn't been in a hairdresser for 15 years, so I felt like a celebrity being looked after by so many people, I was having my hair styled and coloured. There was a bit of tugging and pulling on occasion but not painful. Everyone was genuinely friendly and looked after my every need. Incorporating my existing hair with the Interlace System, extensions and some mastery I now have a full head of hair. It has changed my life and for the first time that I can remember I feel whole.
Mrs Gina Saggers
Anna is our amazing Housekeeper here at Lucinda Ellery, she works tirelessly to keep our studio clean and tidy. She is an incredible young lady who always takes the time to help, you may have seen her around and we wanted you to get to know her a little better.

I start early in the morning cleaning all the public areas and the offices. I make sure we have enough stock on hand in the kitchen area. I also help make teas, coffees and smoothies for our clients. I love the mornings at Lucinda Ellery, there is always an energetic buzz, clients arriving and everyone getting ready for the day ahead, it's my favorite time of day.
I like the level of responsibility I have in the company to make sure that everything is clean, tidy and shiny. I am a bit of a perfectionist in that way.
I wanted to be like Monika Szeles the tennis player, she was my idol growing up. She had been through tough times and still maintained to be a strong person inside and out.
I really like Angelina Jolie's hair styles. Her hair always looks healthy and glossy. Whether she wears it up or down it is very natural and seamless.
A strawberry daiquiri, sweet with a hint of naughtiness.

We have been busy bees here in our London studio but we do like to keep our work/play balance. We had a blast trying out our new styles on each other and learning some new tricks whilst doing it.
Here are some pictures we would like to share with you of the evening. If you would like to recreate any of our styles or learn more about how to put your hair up or simply want to try a new look call us to book in your free styling lesson and we will teach you whatever it is you want to know.


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