Hair Newsletters
Newsletter February - April 2018
- Lucinda's Letter
- Southampton studio opening
- Star Letter from C
- Karen Hayns on decluttering
- News from New York
- Aneela talks about Keen
- Meet Jessica

Dearest wonderful fabulous ladies
Thank you so much for your kind and generous gifts at Christmas we all appreciate you spoiling us so very much thank you, thank you, and beyond!
A whole New Year, TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHTEEN! Having arrived on the planet in the early fifty’s, I have seen so many changes and one of them is how women’s hair loss and solutions have become so main stream, its talked about, researched and we’re sharing our experiences, images, advice and encouragement. A 'whole new hair world' to us early birds as our choices was at best some awful scratchy wigs, and that was if we were really lucky to be able to find them and then afford them.
Oh! How my hair world has changed, advanced and is a million percent more joyful, it now is as I imagined it would be. Here we are, finally with help and options and wonderful google.
The opening of our new sister branch in Southampton is our next push forward and we're expecting to welcome our local clients and lots of new girls too. Exciting times! We will keep you in the loop with images when it’s all presentable and it’s now a matter of weeks rather than months. Fingers crossed it will be smooth sailing which is helpful as we are located right by the marina!
"Your emotions provide a wonderful guidance system for you, and if you will pay attention to them, you will be able to guide yourself to anything that you desire."
Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The world is a challenging place to reside in, and women are gaining wider rights to live in it more fairly and equally. On a grand scale the future looks brighter for us ladies and encouraging for our daughters and granddaughters, with our thoughts and actions we have paved the way and done the ground work for them to pick up the mantel and spread the word and keep up the good work. I am so grateful to the Emily Pankhurst's of the world for helping us get this far. I am very sensitive to the fact that, to do well, we must feel good about ourselves and to cope with the judgments of the world that surrounds us. To that end, in reflecting on my life I have helped a bunch of us feel a whole lot better about ourselves and spreading the word that there is 'life after hair loss' and I for one will do my best to make the world a better place, even in my own tincy wincy way.
I am grateful to my life long obsession and love affair with all things hair, and I am grateful to have loved everything I have done and done everything I love. It's a wonderful journey for me and I am so happy to be on it with everyone in my life and I am so lucky to have you all. Blessings for the best year ever with still better to come.
Remember everything is energy we can use it and mould it - a thought is a measurable energy, gather them, focus them, learn how to use this formless invisible part of your nature study it. Experiment with it, use it, miracles, they abound for a wee spot of help if interesting in consciously participating in the creation of our own daily life experience 'Ask and it is given'. Esther and Jerry Hicks Quote. Worth checking out with an open mind.
Blessings and all good things at the speed of light we will all be thinking of our summer holi's. There is no better place then England on a beautiful day, the emphasis being beautiful of course.
My dearest love and appreciation I send to all the amazing teams in all our branches, who keep everything and everyone on point with their wonderful heart and spirits.
It's a joy to hear their peals of laughter, giggles and see their smiles; you all make my heart sing thank you for all you do with your fabulous souls. Everyone loves you, you bring the clients so much joy they really appreciate your charm, friendliness, kindness and professionalism and for me you are BEYOND incredible. Thank you for everything you bring to the table it takes a team effort for us. There is no better team in the world than you guys!
Now about that time thing, it will be CHRISTMAS soon...
Much Love,
Lucinda E

It gives us great pleasure to officially announce our 8th Lucinda Ellery location: Southampton!
Our studio doors will open on Tuesday 20th March.
We have found an amazingly intimate, charming Lucinda Ellery space which will be run and managed by our superstar technical manager Ivana! We are so excited to expand our services so women from the Southampton region can enjoy the Lucinda Ellery Experience. Please see details of our new studio below:
1 Canute Road
SO14 3FH
Telephone: 0238 110 3275

Dear Lucinda,
A year on, I wanted to write to you to share my total amazement at how you and your team have changed my life! I came to you at a really low ebb, feeling very self-conscious about my hair. Not only did you give me your time, you listened, advised, and essentially told me that my dreams could indeed come true. Coupled with my incredibly supportive husband you enabled me to have the hair I always wanted and consequently given me confidence that I thought I already had, but didn’t!
Your team is fabulous – so professional, caring, warm and patient. Every single individual has clearly been trained with great care, and it really shows.
My family and friends still can't understand or believe what's been done, but they all love it! My two small boys didn't even notice, which was wonderful!
Thank you, thank you for making my dreams come true,
From C
There’s no space like home
As soon as February makes an appearance I start to get that Spring feeling and want to come out of hibernation. This is accompanied with an itch to start some sort of house project! Sometimes big, sometimes small, and not everything on the wish list will happen. What I do love though is how the seasonal cycle works its magic and invites me to refresh things at certain times of year.

I've also devised a very simple system which helps to keep the house looking current, cosy and clutter-free. Working with four themes, and by room, I think about what I'd like to keep and upcycle, or, throw or recycle and it works a treat! The only rule is that everything needs to fit into one of the categories. That way nothing gets left out or forgotten about, which is particularly useful if you have a tendency to hang on to things. It also creates some flow in our lives as we welcome in the new and let go of the old. This simple approach will also help you relax, be more organised and feel less stressed whatever your style preference. Actually, there’s nothing quite like a big clear out and the satisfaction of seeing sparkly windows, dust free sills and the waft of a scented candle filling the air.
Got you thinking? Well, here’s how to introduce some year round order and get that throw-your-shoes-off feeling as you reap the rewards from your plan.
Write a beginning/end of day list of jobs that would make the biggest difference to your current routine. If not already, do include bed making as soon as your feet hit the floor! I promise you, introducing just a little discipline will not only get your day off to a blinding start after just three weeks, you’ll be flying.
Again, start small. Take a room at a time. Look at the problem areas and then use the four stage method to work out what to keep/upcycle and throw/recycle.
The out of sight spaces like the airing cupboard, loft, utility room, garage and your garden or outdoor space including any storage.
Have a blitz day (still using the method) or if there's more to do, take your time, and organise each area by season. Our gardens flourish in the Spring and Summer months, so attend to those then. You'll also reap the benefits of some fresh air and exercise. How about the garage/outside storage/shed in the Autumn? and the loft in Winter (before the next wave of Xmas presents arrive)?
Think about what you can set up and manage online or with an App. Examples include banking, credit/store cards, utilities and insurance. This will reduce (or even eliminate) the amount of paper that comes into the house and if you do need a copy, you can always create a PDF, download and print. No more household in-tray
Keep no more than 12 issues of magazines because the content is seasonal and upcycled anyway, Recycle newspapers daily/weekly.
Make-up, perfumes – stick to the use by dates and clear quarterly.
Have some fun and twice a year ask a friend to help you do some wardrobe weeding. Most of us wear just 20% of what we own, so start by replacing your hangers with those amazing space efficient 'skinny' felt hangers (available in Primark, Matalan, Homesense). You’ll need two colours. Start with hanging everything in the same colour. As you wear your clothes change the hanger colour. After 6-8 weeks you'll see what's changed and what hasn't. Noticed something else? Clothes don't fall off those hangers so no more floordrobe!
Get tough, if you didn't know you had it, you don't need it! Until next time. Happy homemaking.
Love Karen x
Nb If this article has caused you to feel overwhelmed, unable to cope or have a tendency to hoard, then I can offer specialist advice and support, so please get in touch.
m: 07887 824209

Exciting changes in our NYC studio are happening. Some of you may remember long time lead/manager Kelsey. She has literally worked at most Lucinda Ellery studios and in most capacities: London, LA and then onto manage the NYC studio. Kelsey will be relocating back to the UK and starting again as part of the London team. She is so excited to see clients, new and old and says she cannot wait to get back into the hustle and bustle of the London studio.
You may have also had the pleasure of having your hair done by Jessica, who has been training for the last months in London to take over as New York Manager. Either way, both ladies are excited for their new Lucinda Ellery journeys and to provide you with exceptional Lucinda Ellery service whether in New York or London! Welcome back to London Kelsey!
In December Lucinda Ellery NYC partnered with Look Good Feel Better and designer Trina Turk in hosting an event supporting women with cancer, with profits from the night going to Look Good Feel Better. We were joined by Fox News presenter Gerri Willis, breast cancer survivor, in an evening of shopping, education and fun….. and all for an amazing cause.

How one woman’s trichotillomania confession began to change the world
I started pulling around age 11.
In my twenties I learned that my condition had a name - trichotillomania- and that I was not alone. But I still felt alone & ashamed so I hid behind eyeliner and fake lashes.
Two decades later and three years into my marriage, my husband Sameer had finally caught me without my fake lashes and cover-up. I couldn't lie anymore. I didn't want to hide anymore. And most importantly I didn't want to live in shame anymore.

I shared my hair pulling secret & my wish for something to alert me when I am pulling. Together we set out to make a device to break the trance of pulling and become more aware.
And that device is Keen, a smart bracelet created by HabitAware providing real-time awareness of trichotillomania and other body focused repetitive behaviors. We launched Keen in April 2017 & as of today, there are thousands using Keen all over the globe.

What is special about Keen is it's discreet, private and personal. The person trains Keen for their specific behavior (hair pulling, skin picking, nail biting etc). When Keen senses the movement it sends a gentle vibration to help develop awareness so the person can take control of their unwanted behaviors.
If you or a loved one is suffering with trich, take control back with Keen. Check out our website and why our customers love Keen too. Reach out to us anytime at

Wishing you love, strength and awareness.

Jessica Tineo, is the manager for the Lucinda Ellery New York City location. She began working for Lucinda Ellery two years ago, and has been connecting with every women that walks into the studio ever since. Jessica grew up in New Jersey, as a small girl had aspiration of living and working in New York City. The summer of 2016, she finally had her chance after living in Dallas, Texas for 5 years. She lived in Dallas, Texas where she attended class at the Texas Women's University. While living in Texas she had decided to also get her cosmetology education with Paul Mitchell Beauty School. While receiving her education at Paul Mitchell she began working for a blonde salon. She began assisting the owner, working her way up to stylist/colourist, educator, and management for the next three years.
After 5 years, Jessica felt it was time to move back to the east coast to be close to her family and finally have the chance to move to New York City. She had her interview at Lucinda Ellery, and instantly felt as if she belonged.
Having a personal connection to trichotillomania for many years, as well as a connection to cancer through her mother's own struggles. During her time in Lucinda Ellery thus far, she has learned so many of the Lucinda Ellery techniques and has continued to be inspired by the amazingly strong women she services as well as the many angels that work for Lucinda Ellery in New York and every other location.
All our studios had a wonderful Christmas Season! We would like to thank all our clients who spoil us with gifts and nibbles year in, year out!

Lucinda Ellery
in the Press

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