Hair Newsletters
Newsletter August - October 2017
- Lucinda's Letter
- Star Letter from Louise
- Karen Hayns Column
- August Selfie Winner
- Staff News

Life is swift and not without its challenges...... where do I begin?
Firstly, a big thank you to all the Divine Angels that visit us every day and our grateful thanks for all of your appreciation gifts, tips and kindness. We so appreciate you very much in return.
September saw Micky and I set off to see the teams and clients both in Los Angeles and New York. While in LA we decided that our annual get together would be in Disney World! What a great choice as we miss out on a Christmas “do” but we made up for it by going on as many rides as possible! OMG it was, to coin a phrase the Americans say in every other sentence, TOTALLY AWESOME ! They have a fantastic ride called SCOPE, we were strapped in a harness and swung in to a huge virtual reality provided by our special glasses and the movement of the chairs which transported us across vast swathes of the globe complete with aromas, sounds and belly flops. It was truly magical and I am so glad I went. I very nearly chickened out but Micky organised a wee scooter for me and it was great fun. I am very blessed, the LA team are wonderfully devoted, professional and nuts ...just up my street!!!

We then arrived in NYC (time wise I am still all over the place) It's such a sweet studio and the girls are fabulous. Meeting new clients for consultations is always an eye opener and I am amazed that what we have been doing in the UK for decades is marvelled at here. Everyone says they have seen nothing like what we offer. I always think of the States as ahead of the rest so it's nice to think us Brits are still ahead in this particular field. It is just delightful that we can provide something so worthwhile and life enhancing across the pond, it makes the weeks of jet lag totally worth it!
My grateful thanks to Micky, Chris and Dax for all their hard work. The responsibility of running such a huge endeavour involves long days and sleepless nights. They never cease to amaze me with their devotion, drive and sacrifices with never a moan or groan about anything. I am blessed beyond belief to have my created baby in such wonderful hands and as I head into my pre-tirement I know that everyone and everything is well and truly loved and taken care of by them. We also have the best ever colleagues and support team one could ever wish for. Thank God for you all.
It's only a few short weeks and we will be staring at Christmas! Noooo it can’t be just round the corner.... see how fast time disappears! It is a reminder to us all to make the most of every minute of every day, always and forever.
Love, hugs and happiness to all connected to LE
Lucinda x

My Dear Lucinda,
Please accept my sincerest apologies for not contacting you sooner! I was in your lovely Bristol studio today being thoroughly spoilt by your lovely hair angels whilst having my 6th system fitted! I regaled the girls about my LE journey, which started back in September 2005 when I nervously stepped into your office in Hammersmith. Your kindness, effervescent energy and passion for helping ladies with hair issues was contagious. I'll never forget that moment when you showed me some photos of hair styles and asked me to choose a style and colour! I just couldn’t believe my ears and eyes, could I REALLY have the hairstyle of my dreams?! I was beyond excited and wanted to book my 1st system ASAP!
You introduced me to the lovely Chris, who found me an appointment in 2 weeks' time, the 13th October 2005! Thank you! My appointment was fascinating; I was nervous, excited and quite overwhelmed at how the girls worked as a team to create my dream hair style. Kylie had chosen the most wonderful colour and Jean Marie was creating my style when you walked into the studio, picked up a pair of scissors said "I know how I want this girl to look," you cut my hair and blow dried it as if you could read my mind! It was an extraordinary moment. I cried tears of joy! Thank you! You asked my friend and I how we were getting home as we live in Gloucestershire. We were taking the train from Paddington and you very kindly gave us a lift. Thank you!
When we arrived at the station you jumped out of the car and made sure my hair was perfect before I boarded the train! Thank you!
That was 12 years ago. I’m overjoyed that I have just 30 short minutes to drive to your Bristol studio where your hair angels look after me so well, it’s like catching up with friends after a few weeks. I still get excited about having a new system and I always thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this wonderful system for me and countless other ladies, who need help with their crowning glory! Thank you!
My little Molly now goes to your Bristol studio too for hair extensions with the lovely Luci. She has fine hair so the extensions give her the volume she craves. I'm feeling very confident that Molly is in such good hands, thank you!
Chris recently asked me via Marika if I'd be interested in taking calls from ladies who are taking their first steps towards having a system. It's a privilege to help these magnificent women with their questions and I'm honoured to have been asked, thank you! I can also remember when Marika joined your team at Hammersmith and I was absolutely delighted to see her become manager of your Bristol studio, she deserves every success.
I love reading your newsletter and catching up with all the LE news. I’ve read the Secret on your recommendation. I've always had a positive mental attitude and the Secret has helped me to take it so much further, thank you!
With love,

What’s cute, colourful, and doubles up as a self-help guide? Yes! Step forward the Emoji.
Hello Girls
Simple, succinct. Job done. Some of them even manage to replace the need to write a whole paragraph or phrase. They are the sentence hack which has taken the world by storm! Can you imagine everyday life without them? They are everywhere and they are seriously big business. And I’m there, flag waving, sitting in the front row of the Emoji bandwagon. Why? because they’re fun and make everyday life a bit less stuffy and formal. I just love the way they convey emotion in ways that words cannot.
They also help improve our understanding of people and their situations by taking the ambiguity out of the things we try to say. Very cool indeed, and that includes the serious stuff like anger, sadness, shock and frustration. Somehow, they’ve managed to cut across the generations, and captured our imaginations, without so much as uttering a word.
So they're not all kids’ stuff then? Nope, not at all. Why? Because we’re all awash with emotion – and science tells us an emotion lasts around six seconds with feelings a close second lasting several minutes which in turn make and break our moods and we know how long those can go on for!
I do have to admit that my addiction is now spilling into my world of work and last week I bought myself a deck of cards. A set of 25 Emoji flash cards on a keyring! How cool are these! Although there was a point soon after arriving that they were in danger of becoming another impulse buy and sat in a drawer for a couple of days. That was before I decided to do a little experiment at home with my eldest. A teenage boy. Oh dear whatever possessed me. They are a dangerous breed at the best of times and emotions are pretty much off limits. I seriously thought he would huff and puff and tell me where to go with my latest woowoo prop, but he didn’t!!!
So, feeling encouraged I used them to help him prepare for a football academy trial day he's got coming up, along with another little bag of tricks I sometime use as visualisation aids. Fascinating. A key, 4 Emoji cards a few coloured counters and a monkey. These were all very carefully selected and placed on the floor in front of him with the key in the middle facing easterly (this represented future success). Two emotions in front, excited and hungry (again representing success) and two behind happy and nervous, as these were the less dominant feelings in his mind. Did he think it odd? No, not at all because he just went with it and brought his thinking to life. A week later he still remembers the emotions (OMG a breakthrough) and he feels more settled and confident about taking part. Bingo. Happy son, ecstatic mother I've since created two more exercises for you try. So why not treat yourself to a deck (link at the end) wait for the doorbell to go and try your hand at Patience, Emoji style
Grab some post it notes or a piece of paper and pen to jot down what comes to mind:
Exercise 1 - Blind date:
Remove the keyring, give the deck a shuffle, then with the back of the cards facing you (emotions underside) pick 8 random cards. Then place them image side up on a flat surface and re-arrange them in any way you wish. Sit with them for a few moments. Move them around if you like. Then taking each card in turn look at it to see how you feel about each emoji. What comes to mind? What does each card make you think about? Are there any connections between the cards? What would you like to do? What would you like to avoid? Do you need help with any of them? Who might you talk to? Get the picture…. Often emotions are a trigger point for something we want more of in our lives, or, less depending on what comes up.
Exercise 2 – Pick n Mix
Give and get more from your romantic relationships.
Beautiful, peaceful, thoughtful - a truly wonderful philosophy for life
This is a great one to use whenever you have a problem, issue or situation you'd like to overcome. Arrange all 25 cards face up in rows and columns of five. Then select a few cards which express how you’re feeling in connection with
- a situation you'd like to resolve or
- a relationship which is causing you bother
- something which is worrying you
- something you’ve been putting off for a while.
Think about each card in turn, why you picked it and jot down what this is telling you about the situation. This is likely to reveal exactly why you're feeling the way you do. If you feel stuck, ask yourself, 'what's the very least I could do to feel better'. If you're still stuck, talk to a friend, colleague or family member who would be happy to hear you out.

As always, I'd love to hear from you! Until next time.
Lots of love
m: 07887 824209

Thank you to everyone that entered our selfie competition! We really enjoyed all the great photos and videos and your very kind comments. They were all so great that we could not agree on a winner so Lucinda picked a number out of a hat and our winner is our London client ……………… Lucy Brown!
We hope to run this competition again soon so please keep an eye out and please enter!

We are delighted to welcome Callie to our HR and Admin team! Most recently, Callie was working with popular hotel chain Premier Inn as Operations Manager and we are very much looking forward to her becoming an integral part of the Lucinda Ellery team.
A warm welcome to our new London stylists Keleigh, Dolly and Danielle. Our stylist team is growing, bringing with it fresh skills and ideas! We are so excited to have you all on board.
Darren has been promoted to Studio Supervisor in the Edinburgh studio. One of our most humble staff members, Darren’s compassion and kindness towards clients and peers knows no end. We are delighted to watch your progression within the company!
Ten Years of Bliss!
Domonique is celebrating a stupendous 10 years with us! From starting her career with us in London to heading our Manchester studio, she is vital part of the team and was quickly identified as the perfect manager for our Manchester Studio. As many of you know we have five studios in the UK, two in USA and Domonique remains an inspiration to them all. Thank you for 10 years of much appreciated commitment and service to both Lucinda and our loyal clients!
Simone, our lovely London technician has been a spirited and loyal team member over the last 10 years! Simone, the clients adore you and your endless kindness and worldly talents do not go unnoticed. We thank you for your dedication!
Lucinda Ellery
in the Press

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