Client Testimonials
Client Letters - Sarah
Dear Lucinda
I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me, I feel like a new person. It's like I have been given this boost of confidence. I have never received so many compliments in my life. All my friends, relatives and work colleagues have said the same thing 'Sarah you look beautiful'.
Even sitting on the train I was approached by a woman and she said has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful hair. I was absolutely shocked that someone would compliment the one aspect of my life that I have always tried to hide. I would avoid making eye contact with people in the past in the hope that they wouldn't look at the top of my head, now on the other hand I want everyone to see how beautiful my hair is.
When Sharlene finished my hair and your daughter styled it for me I had a huge lump in my throat all the way home. My mum on the other hand couldn't hold it and started crying when she saw me.
This was supposed to be a short note but I really want you to know how grateful I am. I suppose everyone tells you the same thing and you probably receive hundreds of these cards, but I'm telling you how I feel from my heart and you and your team have helped to change my life for the better. You all truly are masters of your profession.
Thanks again,
PS for some reason even the clothes I wear look better on me. I never thought hair would make such a huge difference.

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