You may have only just noticed that your hair has been thinning lately and you will be wondering what the cause of your hair loss is. There are many reasons why women experience hair loss during their lifetime, however in order to fully understand what you are going through, you will need to go and see your doctor.

With so many different types of hair loss that you could be suffering with, it is important to have it properly diagnosed by your doctor. They are best placed to assess your hair loss and ensure that there are no underlying issues that might be affecting you in some way and as a result you are suffering from hair loss. The doctor may also ask that you take some medication to assist in stimulating your hair follicles so that your hair returns. This might be in conjunction with reducing your stress levels, managing your home/work life balance and other things in your life which might be the cause of your hair loss.

The medication that you will be taking will be stimulating your hair follicles in a bid to ensure that they start to produce hair again. In the meantime, you may want to disguise your hair loss by wearing a wig.

You might have not noticed that your hair has started to thin until recently. You need not be alarmed that your hair is thinning and the best thing that you can do is to go and speak to your doctor. Many women suffer from hair loss and this comes in many different forms and can be caused by a variety of different reasons.

In the majority of female hair loss cases, it is caused by external stress or trauma. The body has ways in which it deals with certain situations and it may be that your body has found a particular time in your life difficult and this has therefore lead to your hair loss.

The reason why you are losing your hair is because your hair follicles are no longer producing hair. This is because the hormones and changes in your body have meant that the hair follicles have become dormant. All hair follicles go through being dormant at some point but this is done in a cycle along with all of the other follicles. However in this instance, a large amount of hair follicles have become dormant at once which is why you have bald spots or hair thinning.

Hair loss at any age for a woman can be traumatic but when you are also going through a pregnancy, it can be even tougher. Most women find that they experience some changes to their body whilst they are pregnant and this can range from water retention, mood swings and also hair loss.

Hair loss during pregnancy is generally nothing to worry about, however it can also be a sign of something more serious such as stress or anxiety so you will need to have a trip to the doctors. Your doctor will assess your hair loss and if necessary, he may refer you to a hair loss specialist who will be able to give you more advice about your hair loss and may possibly prescribe you with some medication to ensure that your hair returns.

This should put your mind at rest and you will need to monitor the situation during the rest of your pregnancy. If you continue to lose your hair or you are concerned that your hair is not returning, you will need to go and speak to your doctor again. In the meantime, enjoy your pregnancy and make sure you are fully prepared for the baby’s arrival.

You may have looked after your hair really well during your lifetime, but this doesn’t mean that you won’t suffer with female hair loss. Most cases of female hair loss are as a result of stress, trauma and physical and hormonal changes that are occurring in your body. Regardless of how well you have treated your hair, you might still suffer from hair loss.

There are many myths surrounding female hair loss and the loss of hair such as over brushing the hair, over styling and colouring the hair. However these are all old wives tales and there are more scientific reasons for women losing their hair during their lifetime.

In most cases of female hair loss it is triggered by a physical, emotional or hormonal change to their body which has resulted in their hair follicles becoming dormant and therefore not producing hair. For some women this can be bald patches on the scalp, whereas others it is the thinning of the hair. If you think that you are suffering with some form of female hair loss, you should speak to your doctor and get a formal diagnosis. Your doctor may even refer you to a specialist to ensure that you are getting the right treatment for your hair loss.

Hair loss for a woman is much more of a taboo subject than male hair loss. This is probably because of embarrassment about the illness and also not fully understanding why they are suffering with female hair loss. However, female hair loss is actually quite common and you would be surprised to hear how many women suffer with variants of a female hair loss condition.

There are many different forms of hair loss for women, but the most common is alopecia and telogen effluvium. This particular type of hair loss is caused by a ‘reaction to intense stress on the body’s physical or hormonal systems, or as a reaction to medication’. In most cases of this particular type of hair loss, your doctor will be able to prescribe you the necessary medication and ensure that your hair returns.

However, your hair loss might not happen straight after a traumatic event or hormonal change in your body. Sometimes it can take a while for the hair follicles to stop producing hair and you may notice in the beginning that your hair is thinning out rather than becoming completely bald. The reason for the thinning of the hair is because your hair follicles have become dormant as a result of the trauma. The medication that your doctor puts you on will stimulate the growth of the dormant hair follicles.

Many women suffer with hair loss during their lifetime but it can be quite a common experience for women who are pregnant. Pregnancy involves a large amount of hormones racing around your body and it can be a traumatic time for any women when she has to also go through some form of female hair loss. Female hair loss is very common for pregnant women, however not every woman experiences it and this is what can be distressing.

If you have noticed that you have been losing your hair during your pregnancy, you will need to speak to your doctor. It is probably nothing and is probably the result of the hormonal changes occurring in your body, but it is always worth checking just to be sure.

Your doctor will assess your hair loss and may also ask if you are feeling stressed about anything or if you are worrying about anything relating to your pregnancy. Your doctor may prescribe you some medication to tackle your hair loss but they may also say that it is worth waiting until after the baby is born to see whether or not your hair returns. If it hasn’t returned once you’ve given birth, you will need to go back to your doctor and start receiving treatment for your female hair loss condition.