Female pattern hair loss treatment options

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is a genetically inherited condition where either naturally shed hairs grow back weaker or hairs are shed with greater frequency than normal. It can be either mild or severe.

There are a number of treatment options available for FPHL and what is best for you will most likely depend on the severity of the condition. Mild cases can be treated with nothing more than scalp make-up and hair styling. For more severe cases, there are hair replacement options as well as medical treatments.

Minoxidil is a popular treatment. It is a lotion that is applied to the scalp which promotes the growth of hair. Weaker versions can be bought over the counter, but if you decide to go for this option, it is recommended that you get a stronger five per cent solution that is only available on prescription.

Spironolactone is another option. This is medication that can be taken orally and has shown good results in terms of hair growth improvement for many people.

Other treatments that have been used but about which not much is know include propecia and anti-androgens, including dianette, which has shown signs of slowing FPHL.