Whilst you can go to a doctor or a hair loss specialist for diagnosis and treatment for your condition, these places can’t help you deal with the emotional ramifications of losing your hair. This is why you need to find some kind of support system, to help you come to terms with your hair loss and how it makes you feel about yourself.
Friends and family can be a wonderful source of support during hair loss, but some people feel that those closest to them can’t always fully understand what you’re going through unless they have personally experienced it themselves.
Luckily, there is a whole community of women with hair loss out there, so you needn’t feel alone or that you have no one with whom to share your feelings and concerns. There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of websites set up by hair loss sufferers. There are some to deal specifically with alopecia, hair loss caused by chemotherapy treatment for cancer, or pattern baldness, a condition that is often genetic.
Whilst talking to people who are going through the same as you won’t make your hair grow back; it does help you to cope with what’s happening to you a little better.