Hair loss isn’t hereditary

If women in your family have experienced hair loss it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to suffer from it yourself. Hair loss is something that some women go through during their lifetime and for some it can be a difficult thing for them to go through but you need to stay strong and ensure that you are doing everything you can to prevent your hair loss being significant.

For some, hair loss is very minimal and they have experienced only thinning of the hair whereas experience complete hair loss. It can be a hard thing to come to terms with but provide you have friends and family around you to support you and have the right medical advice then you will be able to get through it.

There are many different kinds of hair loss so there is so many different reasons why you can lose your hair and the only way that you will know what kind of hair loss you are experiencing is to go to the doctor and have your hair loss formally diagnosed. Your doctor will be able to put you in the right direction of treatments as well as practical ways to help reduce the environs that might be causing your hair loss.