All posts by miriam

If you know somebody in your family who has suffered from hair loss in the past, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are also going to suffer from it. Unlike male hair loss, female hair loss is very complex and there are many reasons as to why women lose their hair.

Women of any age can lose their hair for a variety of reasons and it is can a hard thing for a woman to come to terms with because it isn’t seen as a socially acceptable norm. Regardless of how society sees female hair loss, it does occur and we need to be better educated in why it happens and what women can do to prevent it happening again.

Most women who suffer from hair loss, apart from those who lose their has a result of cancer treatment find that their hair loss has been as a result of going through a stressful time in their life. Stress can be a major factor in women losing their hair and it can knock a woman’s self esteem. However, by managing the stress in your life and ensuring that you take time out to relax and enjoy yourself rather than worrying unnecessarily, you will reduce the chances of you experiencing hair loss.

There are many different kinds of wigs that are available for women who are suffering from female hair loss. It can be a hard time for women who have lost some or all of their hair and it can be very stressful. However, you can boost your self confidence when you have a wig to wear because it is no longer noticeable that you are experiencing hair loss.

Hair loss occurs for a variety of reasons in women but when you have a wig to wear, you won’t have to worry about why it is happening. Although you will need to speak to your doctor and find out why you have lost some of your hair, you will still be able to enjoy styling your hair with a wig.

Most wigs nowadays are made using synthetic or natural hair. It can be dyed and styled just the hair that grows on your head. You can do almost everything with your new wig and it won’t be noticeable that you are wearing one unless you decide to tell somebody.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to wear a wig, you could consider having hair pieces or hair inserts placed amongst the hair that is remaining to cover any patches of hair loss.

You might have never experienced hair loss before and you are surprised to see that you are suffering with bald patches in your hair or all of your hair has started to fall out. Some women experience extensive hair loss when they go through chemotherapy and radiotherapy whilst they are being treated for cancer, however sometimes women can also experience hair loss for other reasons.

There are so many different reasons why women lose their hair so it is vitally important that you go and speak to your doctor and discuss the symptoms that you have been having. Your doctor may be able to give you answers about your hair loss there and then and they will probably refer you to a specialist who knows everything there is to know about female hair loss. This is a positive step forward and it will help you to understand what is happening to you.

Understanding your hair loss is one step on the road to recovering and there are plenty of places that you can get information about the specific type of hair loss that you have been suffering with. You will be able to get information about the treatments that are available and also what you can do in the meantime to boost your self confidence.

When you walk down the high street, you can probably lose count of the amount of men that you will see who are experiencing some form of hair loss, they may have lost all of their hair or they may have a receding hairline but because it is a man you probably have thought anything of it. However, if you saw a woman walking down the street who was losing her hair, you might be surprised to see it. This is because female hair loss is not as widely known about as male hair loss.

This could explain why women who are suffering with hair loss for whatever reason choose not to talk about it and don’t want to discuss their hair loss with anybody. However it is vitally important that women start to talk about what they are going through and how their hair loss is affecting their life and how they are coping with losing their hair.

One step towards figuring out why it is happening to you is to speak to your doctor. The doctor will formally diagnose your hair loss and will inform you of any treatment that you can have in order to bring your hair back. They might also recommend other tips such as taking time out to relax and ensuring you are not stressed at work. Your hair loss is not something you should be embarrassed or ashamed about.

We all want to have the best health and ensure that we do enough to keep ourselves looking fit and healthy, but as well as doing exercise, we need to keep ourselves mentally health and we need to ensure that we have a good work life balance. It can be hard juggling a job, a home and a family but it is worth it when you have good health and that you aren’t suffering because of the immense amount of stress that you are putting yourself through.

Stress can be one of the key factors that leads to hair loss in women of all ages. It is when women cannot cope with what is going on in their lives or they are going through a stressful period that they start to lose their hair. Some lose all of their hair, whereas others only lose their hair in patches. Although most hair loss in women is treatable by medication from the doctor, you still need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to reduce the amount of stress that you are putting yourself through.

Having a good work life balance and finding time to relax and de-stress is the key to leading a happy and healthy life.

Alopecia is something that many women go through during their lifetime however it isn’t necessarily something that they would openly talk about or discuss with people that they didn’t know. For some it can be an embarrassing thing to go through but for others they are more disappointed that they have started to lose their hair.

Hair for a woman is part of their beauty regime and most of us love to groom our hair and take care of it so that when we are going out with our friends we can style it to perfection. However when you have lost your hair due to alopecia, it leaves a large gap in your life and it can be hard to come to terms with. However, there are many different kinds of alopecia and most kinds can be treated in some way.

In the meantime however, you could consider getting a wig or having hair pieces inserted into your existing hair so that it can cover up any bald patches that have occurred as a result of the alopecia. Nobody will be able to tell that you are wearing a wig or have hair pieces in your hair because they will have been done so professionally.