Hair loss during pregnancy is common

Many women suffer with hair loss during their lifetime but it can be quite a common experience for women who are pregnant. Pregnancy involves a large amount of hormones racing around your body and it can be a traumatic time for any women when she has to also go through some form of female hair loss. Female hair loss is very common for pregnant women, however not every woman experiences it and this is what can be distressing.

If you have noticed that you have been losing your hair during your pregnancy, you will need to speak to your doctor. It is probably nothing and is probably the result of the hormonal changes occurring in your body, but it is always worth checking just to be sure.

Your doctor will assess your hair loss and may also ask if you are feeling stressed about anything or if you are worrying about anything relating to your pregnancy. Your doctor may prescribe you some medication to tackle your hair loss but they may also say that it is worth waiting until after the baby is born to see whether or not your hair returns. If it hasn’t returned once you’ve given birth, you will need to go back to your doctor and start receiving treatment for your female hair loss condition.