Hair loss as a result of stress and emotions

Female hair loss is something that all women want to avoid but sometimes it can happen at the most unexpected time when you are going through a large amount of stress and worry. Your hair is extremely reactive to your hormones and any changes in your lifestyle. The reason why you might be experiencing hair loss is because your hair follicles have become dormant.

Stress and emotion related hair loss is typically due to a form of female hair loss called alopecia. There are many different forms of alopecia, some of which men can also suffer from. Certain types of alopecia cause only a small amount of hair loss, however there are some forms of hair loss that can cause women to experience complete hair loss.

However if you have been diagnosed with alopecia, your doctor will be able to give you advice about tackling your hair loss which might mean taking some sort of medication and reducing the amount of stress in your life. By making these small changes, you should find that your hair reacts to you change in lifestyle and starts to return. It may take some time for all of your hair to return, but it should all come back eventually.