When you walk down the high street, you can probably lose count of the amount of men that you will see who are experiencing some form of hair loss, they may have lost all of their hair or they may have a receding hairline but because it is a man you probably have thought anything of it. However, if you saw a woman walking down the street who was losing her hair, you might be surprised to see it. This is because female hair loss is not as widely known about as male hair loss.
This could explain why women who are suffering with hair loss for whatever reason choose not to talk about it and don’t want to discuss their hair loss with anybody. However it is vitally important that women start to talk about what they are going through and how their hair loss is affecting their life and how they are coping with losing their hair.
One step towards figuring out why it is happening to you is to speak to your doctor. The doctor will formally diagnose your hair loss and will inform you of any treatment that you can have in order to bring your hair back. They might also recommend other tips such as taking time out to relax and ensuring you are not stressed at work. Your hair loss is not something you should be embarrassed or ashamed about.