Myths surrounding female hair loss

There are many myths which surround female hair loss, with most of them being an old wives tale or a complete misconception of a hair loss condition. You should not feel like you are any less of a woman just because you are experience hair loss and you should feel reassured that hair loss occurs for many women regardless of their age and ethnicity.

One of the most common hair loss myths is that it is caused by washing your hair too much. Although washing your hair every day isn’t recommended by hair dressers, washing your hair does not make you lose your hair. A similar myth is that brush or stylish your hair also makes your hair fall out. Although over styling your hair can be damaging, it is only damaging to the ends of your hair and will lead to you having dry hair that is difficult to control rather leaving bald patches on your scalp. In addition, dyes, perms and other such treatments that you receive from your hairdresser should not make your hair fall out and is therefore another myth.

If you are worried about the condition of your hair and you have noticed that it has started to thin or you have bald patches, then you will need to visit your doctor for a formal diagnosis.