Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is also sometimes referred to as androgenetic alopecia. Ordinarily, the human head will shed between 100 and 150 hairs a day. Beyond this and the hair loss may become noticeable.
In FPHL, after a hair is shed, the hair that grows back is not as strong. This process continues until there is merely vellus hair, which is fine hair which is barely noticeable. FPHL can occur any time after puberty, but generally affects women who have gone through the menopause.
FPHL can be divided into mild and severe cases. Mild FPHL is not uncommon and is inherited through a person’s genes. As the hair loss is relatively minor, it can usually be addressed using only scalp make-up and hair style. You can get help and advice with this.
Severe FPHL is usually insufficient to warrant a wig, but as it is more noticeable, there are significant psychological effects for the sufferer. Alternatives to a wig are the Intralace and Medi Connections systems. These offer a greatly effective means of treating effects of this level of hair loss.